Mini Courses
- Peter De Maesschalck (University of Hasselt), Singular perturbation theory
- Loďc Teyssier (University of Strasbourg), Inverse problems in planar dynamics: a constructive solution to the nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problem
- Steffen Winter (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie), Minkowski content and fractal curvatures - a tool in dynamical systems?
- Martin Klimeš (University of Zagreb), Classification of germs of parabolic reversible diffeomorphisms of (C^2,0) with a first integral of Morse type
- Vlatko Crnković (University of Zagreb), TBA
- Renato Huzak (University of Hasselt), Fractal analysis of slow-fast systems
- Pavao Mardešić (Univeristé de Burgogne), Darboux relative exactness and pseudo-abelianintegrals
- Dino Peran (University of Split), Normal forms for logarithmic transseries and Dulac germs
- Maja Resman (University of Zagreb), Analytic invariants of Dulac germs
- Goran Radunović (University of Zagreb), Fractal zeta functions of orbits of parabolic diffeomorphisms
- Domagoj Vlah (University of Zagreb), Reconstruction of Incomplete Wildfire Data using Deep Generative Models and high-performance GPU computing
- Vesna Županović (University of Zagreb), Fractal analysis of bifurcations
The workshop is organized in scope of the project PZS-2019-02-3055 „Fractal properties of bifurcations of dynamical systems“, supported by the Croatian Science Foundation.